Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Newsworthy comments

Alright. There are enough stories in the news these days that I just have to comment....

Ok, is there anyone in US politics who has NOT had an affair at this point? Now the South Carolina govenor had an affair. Who's left? Put down your hand, Mr. Clinton, I don't really care what your lawyers say...


A man was sentenced to only 10 years in prison after randomly murdering a complete stranger on the subway. According to the Toronto Star, the defence lawyer, "...called for a seven-year sentence, less pre-trial custody. She argued that her client has no criminal record, has a good work history..." I guess the judge bought the rationale that if you work hard and kill someone just once -- hey, you gotta give a man a break, right? I mean it's just one person. Fuck, shoot me now. No wait, nevermind.


So Jon and Kate (of "Plus 8" fame) are divorcing and suddenly there are all these so-called parenting experts coming forward to say they're concerned for the kids. NOW they're concerned for the kids? I guess being surrounded by camera crews on a daily basis taping their every move isn't an issue? No, no, the camera crews stay. The false life they lead being taken from "special event" to "special event" in the name of television drama is perfectly fine. What's that? The parents are divorcing? Holy shit, let's be careful -- wouldn't want to fuck them up now, would we.

I say we send them all to Judge Judy.

She'd probably tell Jon: "Oh so now you have a backbone? How about having a backbone 10 years ago and saying 'I don't' instead of 'I do' at your wedding?"

She'd tell Kate: "Get this through your head. You are a MOM. If you want to be a Hollywood Princess, pack your bags and move."

Then she'd send all the kids to live with Sharon and Ozzy.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

June's Thoughts

        Well apparently I'm back to updating my blog monthly. That's not so great. I had hoped to twice-a-week random thoughts, but I'm finding I'm either out of randomness...or out of thoughts.

        • I read in the news, they've created monkeys that glow green. That's perfect because that'll solve the global issue of losing monkeys in the dark. :
        • Be yourself...or that dude over there -- he looks kind of cool.
        • Never judge a book by the cover...the front cover, at least. The back cover usually has some good information, though; some quotes; a synopsis of the book; etc. Hmmm, so ok, you can judge a book by the back cover.
        • Shadows get dates all the time. They're all tall and dark.
        • I'm a bit scared of these bandwagons I keep hearing about. People have to jump onto them, or even worse, they fall off. Exactly how fast are these bandwagons moving? How tall are they? Can we slow them down a bit? People are getting hurt.
        • It's important to think that it's important to think.
        • It's amazing that we've written a whole song about the theft of some cookies from a jar. Did they ever catch the kid who did it?
        • It's special when an infant reaches the age where they begin to smile. Suddenly, the parents turn into standup comics trying to make their kid smile. They'll try anything to ellicit just one more smile. It's funny to watch. "Quick, Martha, try the clown hat! Wait, wait, I have an idea! Ok, Johnny, two Jews go to a bar..."
        • I'm just amazed how this "lake effect" weather works. "Today, it's a high of 30 C, feeling more like 40 C with the humidex. But if you're by the lake, it's -2 with light fluries..." Who the heck gave these lakes so much power?
        • My radio is having a nervous breakdown. It claims it's hearing voices.